Phase 3: The Research Essay

Victoria Diaz  

Freshman Composition  

Anna Alexis  

7th November 2022  

The Development of Language and Literacy between children  

For children to develop effective communication and proficient writing skills, it is important for them to learn about Language and Literacy at an early age in their life. When it comes to Language and Literacy people need to realize that it is a key factor in their life. It is important for everyone to learn about Language and Literacy because they both allow people to communicate well, and it is beneficial when it comes to writing. Even though Language and Literacy are important when it comes to adults, it all starts with the children. It is super important for children to learn about Language and Literacy at an early age because it can build their communication skills and writing skills. Before acknowledging the importance of Language and Literacy in a child’s life, I feel that we should acknowledge the importance of it in general. Language allows people to better the way that they talk and communicate with other people. Literacy allows people to be better at writing and understanding reading a lot more, things like vocabulary and grammar. Therefore, it is important to instruct children at an early age and instruct them on the importance of Language and Literacy.  

I have gathered 8 sources that have allowed me to show readers how important it is for children to learn about Language and Literacy at their age. As mentioned before, I feel that acknowledging the importance of the two factors first is just as important. In one of the many sources that I have gathered one of them talks briefly about the importance of Language and Literacy but then goes on to discuss how it can be useful for children. In the article it states “Language development lays the foundation for the reading and writing skills in children as they enter and progress through school. Language is needed for all aspects of their education in the classroom as they connect with peers and teachers, and throughout their lives as they grow into adulthood.” (Hope Abilitation Medical Center #1). This article is addressing the fact that Language is important and how it gives children the opportunity to communicate with those close to them. This establishes how Language is important in everyone’s life not just children, which I really like because we should all acknowledge the importance of Language and Literacy.  

When it comes to children learning about language and literacy, we must remember that the environment the children are in is important and it can impact them. Some children tend to struggle with learning language and literacy because of the environment they are surrounded by. The article simply states “However, children who are dual language learners (DLLs) need intentional support to develop their home language as well as acquire English. For example, this may include creating environments that include their home language and culture; planning and organizing thematic instruction; and supporting them through transitions.” (ECLK #1). A lot of people also need to keep in mind that the environment children are around really matters because that is how they will learn to develop their Language and Literacy skills. The environment that children are around really impacts the way that they learn because children are easily influenced by the adults around them. 

Now that we have established how language can impact children, I want to establish how Literacy can impact children. Literacy can allow children to work on their writing skills and can allow them to work on their vocabulary. Writing skills can allow children to build the way they write which will help them in the future because it is important for them to know how to write and communicate properly through writing. One of the article states “Early literacy means helping children develop a rich vocabulary, self-expression, and reading comprehension—tools they need to become successful readers and lifelong learners.” (Little by Little #1). Literacy will allow children to develop their writing skills; they will become better at expressing themselves. I think what I find most important about children becoming better at their writing is that they can use writing as a form of communication. Writing can allow them to fully express how they are feeling if they cannot necessarily put it into words, they can just write about it. In the article it states “Literacy development affects the way students communicate and problem solve. Those with strong literacy skills usually have improved cognitive ability.” (Learning without tears #1). When it comes to children learning about Literacy, it allows them to communicate and work on the way they solve any problems they have. Learning Literacy at an early age can also allow them to be more confident in their skills as they get older.  

